Saturday, July 19, 2008

An Armpit Story

I love three-year-olds! It's always been one of my favorite ages: they're just coming out of babyhood and still think like a baby, but they finally have the verbal skills to express themselves. I also love that most 3yr old's don't censor anything they say, it all comes out ; )
Emmitt is constantly cracking me up with some random thought or funny thing he says. Just thought I'd share a few:
Last week we were over at my mom's house, and Emmitt was sitting at the table eating while my mom, my sister, and I were talking. All of the sudden Emmitt pipes in "stinky armpits are VERY stinky! C has very stinky armpits! And that is an armpit story." And then he went right back to eating his macaroni. ; )
His latest expression is one that just cracks me up: recently when I tell him to do some small task like turn off the light or put his cup in the sink, he'll look at me, totally straight-faced and explain: "mom, I'm not the guy who turns off lights." Oh, really....and just what kind of "guy" are you? I don't know where this expression has come from but it's just too funny.

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