Wednesday, July 16, 2008

4 weeks and counting....

until nursing school starts! I'm really excited but far more nervous than anything else. It's one thing to take a few classes with a three-year-old, but nursing school is a whole different ballgame. Everyone I've talked to who's been down this road has said things like, "you'll have no life" "be ready to have your house look like a tornado hit" (I've already got that part down) "kiss your social life goodbye" and so on... yikes! So I know I'm not going to have any down time, but I wonder what it's really going to look like? Do you think I'll have time to watch football games? Really, I think I'll cry if I have to miss the OU and Dallas Cowboy's seasons. I know in light of everything, it's not a big deal, but I've been looking forward to it all year. Maybe between study breaks : ) In a perfect world I'd be able to get by without a job and just focus on Emmitt and school, but my reality is I'm going to have to keep working. So I just hope I can balance it all without feeling like a crazy person.

I am really excited to see the ways that God will provide for us though. Each time He's asked me to trust Him in a leap-of-faith sort of way (which this certainly feels like) He provides in ways that blow me away. Already He's provided some huge blessings, like the fact that Emmitt's daycare is completely free and is just steps from the nursing building! I've had several family members offer to watch Emmitt when needed, and all of my friends in the new apartment complex have offered to help as well! I feel like I've got a really great support system in place, but I still feel like it's going to be a crazy time in my life.

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